
The goal is collaboration for better results. BOLT’s process allows you to bring your design expertise into a structured brand development process.

BOLT only works with a few clients at a time, creating focus and efficiency. This allows a Brand Strategy to be developed in a matter of weeks, compared to what can take months at a typical agency.

The Value of a Brand Strategy

If your product lacks a clear brand, customer profile, or market position, decisions throughout the project will be arbitrary. You could end up chasing the elusive “I like it” or “I don’t like it” without reason. With a brand structure in place, decisions can be tied back to the purposeful decisions agreed on in the brand strategy process.

Having a solid brand strategy will be a valuable foundation for building a brand that customers will love.

[The Brand Strategy Process]


Brand Strategy starts with a brand questionnaire tailored to your product. This is designed to get the wheels turning about the intentions behind the imagined brand. It will lead to creating a customer profile, market position, competitors, mission, vision, and values.

Mix It Up

BOLT will distill the questionnaire into a proposed Brand Strategy and lead a meeting to review it. Real-time feedback is encouraged, but the document will also be sent out post-meeting for further consideration, with a follow-up meeting scheduled a few days later to discuss all feedback.

Revise and Repeat

BOLT will make revisions based on the previous meeting and present for another round of feedback or approval. As the core brand becomes clear, a brand story will be developed. This typically takes 2-3 rounds, with later rounds being approved via email.


A designed PDF that documents the brand’s Mission, Vision, Values, Customer Profile, Market Position, Competitors, and Brand Story.

The Value of Brand Execution

Working with BOLT will ensure you end up with an exceptionally designed and functional visual identity system. As a collaborative process, you can be sure your technical requirements are addressed up front, and you no longer have to rework or adapt designs so they can be properly produced.

[The Brand Execution Process]

Start with the Basics

Using the Brand Strategy as inspiration, BOLT will develop and propose 2-3 black & white logos via a Zoom call. Real-time feedback is encouraged, but the proposed logos will also be sent out post-meeting for further consideration with a follow-up meeting scheduled a few days later to discuss all feedback.

Build It Up

Once a single logo direction is agreed to, other design elements (fonts, colors, imagery style) will be explored and presented for feedback.

Revise and Repeat

BOLT will make revisions based on the previous meeting and present for another round of feedback or approval. This typically takes 2-3 rounds, with later rounds being approved via email.


A brand tool kit including a pdf of guidelines specifying logo usage, fonts, colors, and imagery examples. Also included is a master set of logo files in all standard formats.